Part 13: 05/10/09 - 05/13/09

After dealing with the Priestess, we're naturally tired because of the... difference in the event to, like, everything else since the Magician. At least this time we maintained consciousness!

> The phone call has ended.
This is going to be useful and relevant and worthwhile... at some time in the future.

Today we're hanging out with Kaz and we can't even watch Tanaka's or anything.

> Kazushi seems calm.

> Kazushi seems a little embarrassed.

> Today, your friendship has grown stronger.

So, uh, just to give you an idea of how useful this would've been if we needed it: accepting the invite gives you 5 points alone and then getting the dialogue option "right" gives 30 points. Make that 45 with a Chariot persona. Yes.
We didn't even remotely need it, though. This dialogue box just means that next time we hang out with Kaz, the S.Link will rank up. It was going to anyway, though.

The last train, Anehazuru, failed to stop at the red light and went beyond its stopping point. Police and the monorail management are still trying to determine what caused the incident. Though the train overshot its mark by over 2,000 feet, no one was injured. Monorail management are suspecting the train driver, and are holding him for questioning. In the meantime, they are promising to make every effort to reduce the monorail accident rate. For now, service on the Anehazuru car will continue as normal.
I do appreciate that the game acknowledges that the monorail train in no way could have been moved back to where it was at the beginning of the Dark Hour. Would've been easy to just never mention it.

Came to the Velvet Room to check out new requests, but we've ended up with something... else.

Well then, we've finally unlocked the Compendium so let's give it a look-see!

Since we're playing on Hard here, these prices are... emphatically NOT reasonable which is part of the point. Note how these are the base versions of everything and not the updated versions that we have on hand.

This is what updating it does for the prices. Thankfully, the prices are only based on the level and nothing else from the looks of things. It... is still pretty silly though. This will eat far, FAR more Yen than the social stat gains from the arcade etc. could ever dream about. Exciting!

Gonna need this guy very soon, so I made one right now (Orpheus + Nekomata).

So, what about the new requests? Well, there's no "take Elizabeth to [place]" this time so why even bother.

There ARE a few for Tartarus stuff, and this one is an easy one to deal with. These "create [Persona] with [Skill]" requests are the requirements for getting Social Link/Confidant confidant ranks for Empress in Persona 4 and Strength in Persona 5. Here, they're just things we can do for free things.

Jack Frost with Dia is easy, mercifully. We can make Jack Frost in a few ways but the way that involves the least money for us is Ara Mitama + Angel.

Jack ends up getting to level 10 which is nice but even nicer is that he has 11 Magic already. And at level 11 he learns Ice Boost which is going to make him really useful if/when he gets there.

The Chivalry Shirt is just lying around in a treasure chest in the middle part of Thebel. You can see what it looks like right now, in the Portable version of the Priestess fight, if you really want to know.

This, uh, we'll get back to this.

Since this is also a questline, we unlock a new one by getting the Jack Frost one completed.

Valkyrie is level 11 so she's gotta wait, unfortunately. We'll definitely be doing this one as soon as we can, though.

And now we're back to school like nothing happened. Because for most people, it kind of didn't.

Well, uh, hmm. I'm sure we'll do fine...

> You stayed up and listened to the lecture...

And so it begins. This is something we're going to be getting a lot of, in the hopes it'll get where we need it...

Oh and, uh, Kenji sure has changed a bit huh? Yeah, so, this is the last week before exams so all of our school S.Links are not available at this time.

This limits our options quite a lot, at the moment but later on it'll be less noticable.

To compensate for this disparity, we're going to, uh, I dunno deal with the one that we can do easily I guess!

> Mitsuko looks pale.

> Bunkichi seems worried.

> It seems Mitsuko is counting on you.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

> After saying goodbye to Bunkichi and Mitsuko, you decided to go back to the dorm.

This is a new addition for FES/Portable. It's something we'll definitely be checking out everytime it pops up.

Family and friends are overjoyed that they are returning to normal. That's all the news today. Tune in next time, for Action News.

So, upstairs in the command room if we examine these computers we can watch something that was caught on camera...

> The recording ends here...

Th-Thanks, Ikutsuki. That sure was, uh, something alright.

Honestly, Ikutsuki's terrible, terrible puns are so bad that it becomes amazing. Just for the sheer dedication to them being terrible if nothing else.

Anyway, we want to get as much Academics as possible so we really cannot drag out this Tiredness very long at long. There IS a chance for it to get cured by like bathrooms and stuff but I'm not taking any risks.

Provided the UI isn't lying to us, that's probably a reasonable presumption. At least this early on, anyway.

En route to the exit, we can find Kenji by the shoe lockers. I don't know why it's always this guy who's just hanging around on-screen but sure.

For better or worse, Kenji certainly seems to have the kind of work ethic I had in high school.

But that just means that we really can't hang out with anyone at school, so back to the bookstore we go!

> Mitsuko seems very appreciative of your support.

> It seems Bunkichi and Mitsuko have grown to trust you.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

> After saying goodbye to Bunkichi and Mitsuko, you decided to go back to the dorm.

> Yukari has left.
This doesn't exactly stop us from going to Tartarus or anything, but it does mean it'll be just us and Junpei and, uh, that sounds like a terrible idea! Gonna pass on that for a while, then.

Do your homework, Junpei.

This is kind of amazing, really. Considering the very different array of things we've seen on here, in order for there to be absolutely nothing that Makoto counts as intereting is pretty remarkable...

I guess that just means we get to the mall marginally quicker this time around.

Which in turns brings us back to studying in our room. We can, theoretically, get a decent amount of Knowledge out of this week and almost double that if we were to spend every day in the Library...

But that's actually a terrible idea and will, on its own, make our overall goal here actively impossible.

Gossiping: I heard the road suddenly collapsed, and the guy's car fell 30 feet straight down!
Listening: Wow, I've never heard of anything like that before... Is this school haunted?
Gossiping: I know, right!? I think I just felt a chill go down my spine... I should go to the nurse's office.
Listening: Th-The nurse's office!? The same place that staffer is resting? Are you kidding me? He'll give you that weird medicine. You might end up feeling even worse!
> The first bell has rung.
Just in case you didn't know that Edogawa is really bad at his job and that this is usable, the game finally decides to tell you that very obliquely. Would've been nicer earlier, really.

> You gave the correct answer!

Charm's probably be hanging around at rank 1 for a bit longer, since we're not exactly focussing on it just yet. It's not super important for the time being, is the thing.

I don't think I mentioned it before, but this particular sidestory is one that has been in every Persona game from 3 onwards. It's... certainly something, and it IS going to go somewhere eventually.

Anyway, today we can't actually get a rank up out of Bunkichi and Mitsuko. We needed 20 points to get to rank 6 from 5, but the previous scene with Omoikane gives a maximum potential of 14. This is something that'll be more of an issue later when we need to spend days just gaining points instead of gaining ranks. It's inconvenient but there's nothing more we can do about that.

This is the last chance we have before exams to go to Tartarus with Yukari around. So, going to Tartarus today is something that we... aren't going to do. Got more important things to do right now.

The hospital settled with the patient for over 1 million yen. Next up, the summer weather forecast...
Eh, we have no reason to care about the weather forecast here, so we just kind of leave at this point.

So our pattern mostly doesn't change. Just gonna grind that Courage and also Academics for very different reasons.

Today is a good Academics day netting us 6 points (4 from the Arcade and 2 from studying), though that's something we can only realistically do twice a week...